

Welcome to my website! I am Sebastiaan Breedveld, assistant professor at the unit Medical Physics, department of Radiotherapy Erasmus MC Cancer Institute (Erasmus University Medical Center) Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

It is my ambition to greatly improve radiation therapy treatment, providing the highest quality treatment possible, for each individual patient.


Instantaneous treatment planning!
Generate, evaluate, modify your treatment plans in real-time, using deep-learning!

Added a fully updated project page on the TROTS dataset here.

Older items
TEDxDelft 2016!
Giving each patient the best treatment technically possible

LEGO Linac movie now online!
LEGO Linac
Demonstration of different radiotherapy techniques using a LEGO model of a typical treatment device. See the comments on the YouTube website for a more thorough description.

Radiotherapy is one of the main treatments for cancer, used in 50% of cancer treatments, and a multi-disciplinary field of research, mostly involving medicine, physics, mathematics, and computer science. My focus lies in improvements from the field of mathematics, where the subfields operations research, decision-analysis, optimisation, numerical mathematics and mathematical physics play the most prominent role.

I have been working on inventing new treatment planning algorithms, resulting to the Erasmus-iCycle algorithm. Through the efforts of many people, this was introduced clinically in 2010. The number of patients treated is still expanding, with a total close to 500 in 2013, more than 10% of the radiotherapy treatments at the Erasmus MC - Cancer Institute - and growing!

On this website you will find my academic CV, background information on radiotherapy, the mathematics involved, illustrated by many figures, movies, and you can even perform Pareto-navigation online!

Feel free to use the information and content provided for presentations, just make sure you name the Erasmus MC - Cancer Institute.

PhD Thesis

My PhD thesis, Towards Automated Treatment Planning in Radiotherapy, can be downloaded here:
